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WhatsApp for Everbridge installation manual

Last update: 27.11.2023

WhatsApp for Everbridge installation manual

  1. Create API keys

  1. Open https://manager.everbridge.net/settings

  2. Open Settings -> Response Subscription -> Webhooks

Name: WhatsApp_prod

Callback URL: https://wa.chatarchitect.com/everbridge/?app={app}&secret={secret}&access_key_id={access_key_id}&secret_key={secret_key}

WhatsApp APP key {app} & WhatsApp Secret key {secret}: you need to get from our support

Everbridge Access key {access_key_id} & Everbridge Secret key {secret_key}: you need to get from Everbridge admins

  1. Open Settings -> Response Subscription -> Profile

Profile Name: WhatsApp_prod

Webhook: WhatsApp_prod

  1. Open https://manager.everbridge.net/incidents/template

Edit Incident Template -> Settings

Delivery methods: Any with phone number + WhatsApp

  1. Response Subscriptions: WhatsApp_prod

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